Have you ever been to a Joint-U programme before? This year, it is excited to inform you that a Joint-U Camp is going to be held by four universities including Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University , the University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University.
If you are interested in making new friends in different universities, you should definitely take this opportunity! We all look forward to seeing you in the coming Joint-U Camp.
Programme Details
Date: 25-26 Sept 2021 (Sat and Sun)
Mode: Option 1 Overnight OR Option 2 2-day Camp
Location: Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Language: Cantonese
Fee: $300(Overnight)/$200(2-day Camp)
Eligibility: Full-time local undergraduates from HKBU, HKU, PolyU and LU aged 17-25 with valid Uni-Y membership
Application: Fill in the online form below and settle the fee according to the instructions given
HKBU-- https://forms.gle/vSJc7bHhzsXXjbr87 (**Please use your HKBU Account to login.)
HKU-- http://wp.cedars.hku.hk/form/jucamp2021
PolyU-- https://forms.office.com/r/X97TM44RAs
LU-- https://forms.office.com/r/08VRR8CnA6
Deadline: 17 Sept 2021 (Friday) 11:59pm
**Priorities will be given to freshmen!**